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With over 20 years in the central valley, Paragon Granite has installed over 17,000 kitchens and numerous bathroom vanities, showers, fireplaces, BBQs, etc. Too many to count!!


Most of our Installers Have Been with us for at Least 8 Years and Have the Reputation of Being Quality Craftsmen in their own Right, Plus they are all Courteous, Clean and Professional.


Paragon will typically install between 10 and 12 custom kitchens per week. Also, we demolish existing counters and backsplash, usually on the same day as the installation. Now that's the way it should be done!


Call Paragon Granite today for a free in-home estimate by the owner, Jeff, himself. With over 30 years experience in construction, you will find the consultation appointment to be very informative. As we like to say, we don't sell, we simply lead our clients to the best solution for their home and their family. The rest takes care of itself.


Come see the Difference with Paragon Granite!

© 2019 by Paragon Granite

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